Saturday, September 12, 2020

Prompt 9: Lush

Among the benefits of returning to Gridania was a night like tonight. Walking through the streets with her family, all of them dressed in their best, heading to what was, in her opinion, Gridania's premier attraction. She was certain that most tourists would have disagreed with her, and she couldn't care less.

Mih Khetto's Amphitheater was far from extravagant. The stands, the gates, the seats, the stage, all of it was relatively simple, especially when compared to a theater she had seen in Ishgard. And yet there was something miraculous about it. The acoustics, the soundscapes, all of it was superb. And nothing would ever win out over local theater in her heart.

She couldn't help but smile at the familiar routine of accepting the night's pamphlet, walking down the aisle to her family's seats, waiting with anticipation for the city's choir to fill the air with music. A more peaceful night couldn't have been asked for. A cool breeze passed through the theater, allowing the cloth roof to billow. The trees were beginning the transition into fall colors.

Her brother looked tired, but pleased to be present. Her mother had a soothed expression on her face, head rested on Frieda's father's shoulder. The crowd applauded when the orchestra finally took the stage. Frieda took in a breath as the conductor's baton rose, felt a wave of euphoria when music flooded the theater.

On instinct she readied herself to tap along with the beat, before feeling that someone near her was already keeping tempo. Turning to look at her brother, she saw his foot tapping along. She smiled even wider, nudging him ever so slightly. He looked away from her, but continued on. She leaned back to enjoy the show.

It was good to be home.

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